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Drunk Driving Accidents

1 pedestrian killed, 2 injured after hit by Norwalk drunk driver

Drunk Driving Accidents,Firm News On Monday, November 3, 2014

Consuming alcohol, both beer and liquor, can cause people to experience a range of effects, including blurred vision, slowed reflexes and diminished judgment. As a result of the impairments that alcohol intoxication can cause, it is all too common for …

Drunk driving accident liability – Connecticut’s Dram Shop Act

Drunk Driving Accidents,Firm News On Friday, September 26, 2014

Driving while impaired can, and often does result in motor vehicle accidents in Connecticut, and throughout the U.S. The organization, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, reports that more than 10,000 people were killed in drunk driving accidents in the U.S. in …

Man seriously injured in crash with apparent drunk driver

Drunk Driving Accidents,Firm News On Monday, August 25, 2014

Despite the ever increasing awareness, drunk driving is still a major problem in Connecticut, and throughout the U.S. Driving while under the influence of alcohol, as many readers are likely aware, can lead to serious collisions with ranging consequences, including …

Tragic car accident leads to death of 16-month-old in Connecticut

Drunk Driving Accidents,Firm News On Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ask any parent what his or her worst nightmare would be, and probably an overwhelming majority would say that it would be if something happened to his or her child. The death of a child is, after all, something that …

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