If you are concerned about the risk that teenage drivers pose on the roads in Connecticut, you are not alone. Even the most responsible teenager lacks sufficient experience with which to make critical decisions in what …
With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, Connecticut bartenders and their owners should brush up on their knowledge of the state’s dram shop laws, as doing so can keep them from assuming liability for an intoxicated person’s harmful actions. …
It comes as no surprise that in Connecticut it is against the law for a person 20 years old or younger to possess alcohol or to consume alcohol. However, the state’s laws go beyond the actions of any minor person …
By Attorneys Charles P. Reed and James E. Ringold of Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C.
Whether it’s the birth of a child, your own health problems, or those of a family member, personal and medical issues can be extremely disruptive. There is …
Many people throughout Connecticut, and across the U.S., keep dogs as pets. While many spend their lives as loving companions, there are frequent incidences of dog bites and attacks. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 4.5 million people suffer …