Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. > Blog > Understanding wrongful death in Connecticut

Understanding wrongful death in Connecticut

Brain Injury,Firm News,Wrongful Death On Sunday, May 31, 2015

Death is a normal part of life indeed. However, there are many different types of situations that can result in the unnecessary loss of life. Too many people in Connecticut die every year due to the negligence of others. Medical malpractice, a drunk driving car crash, a fatal workplace accident and more are all examples of such situations. Friends and family members are left grieving the loss of companionship they expected to have for many more year to come.

If you are in such a situation, you know that there is no way to bring your loved on back. That, however, does not mean that you should suffer without recourse. A wrongful death claim can be justified and can be a conduit through which some form of compensation can be achieved. Determining what a particular estate or family member is owed is a complex thing and requires evaluation of many components. The same is true in situations that do not result in death but that leave a victim unable to work or care for themselves. This may be the case when a person is rendered paralyzed or suffers a traumatic brain injury.

The state of Connecticut’s Judicial Branch website notes that juries in wrongful death lawsuits are to focus any damage award not on punishing the responsible party but on compensating those left behind. Economic awards will be calculated based in part upon actual expenses incurred. Non-economic awards will be calculated based upon pain and suffering and the general loss of life.

The attorneys at Loughlin Fitzgerald understand how to help families like yours who have lost loved ones unnecessarily in fatal accidents by seeking appropriate compensation.



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