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New Haven, CT truck-car crash causes brain injury and death

Firm News On Friday, October 3, 2014

A horrific Connecticut truck-car accident killed one and caused traumatic brain injury to another.

A tragic story has emerged from New Haven, Connecticut, of two close friends who were in a fatal accident on their way to the hospital for a scheduled cesarean section in late August 2014. In stop-and-go traffic in construction on Interstate 95 near exit 46 in the wee hours of the morning, their car was sandwiched between two semi-trucks when one smashed into the back of their stopped automobile, pushing it under the big rig in front of them.

At the time of the car-truck accident, Gwendolyn Buckey, 53, was driving her pregnant friend Vera Mercer, 41, to the hospital to give birth. Buckey died at the scene and Mercer had to be pried from the wreckage, surviving the ordeal to deliver a healthy baby girl via c-section to join her 11-year-old brother.

Sadly though, Mercer sustained a traumatic brain injury in the accident and faces long-term rehabilitation. According to WestportNow, she cannot speak or see out of one of her eyes. She had brain surgery, had her spleen removed and faces more surgeries.

The decedent, Buckey, is survived by several close family members, including her mother, three adult sons, and a grandchild.

It is unclear whether any charges will be filed against the truck driver who struck the women’s car. Both truck drivers were unharmed in the incident. Should the driver who hit them be convicted of any traffic or other criminal offense, that evidence would be important in any subsequent civil personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit.

Legal counsel important in a truck-car accident

In any Connecticut crash between a large commercial truck and a smaller passenger vehicle, any injured parties or survivors of those who died should seek advice as early as possible from an experienced Connecticut personal injury attorney with a history of handling these kinds of cases. Having legal counsel on board also allows the victims to heal and mourn in private since the truck accident attorney will take over communication and negotiation with the involved insurance companies.

A skilled lawyer will launch an investigation of the entire incident on behalf of the victims to uncover any important evidence that may have been overlooked in the official investigation by law enforcement.

Counsel will investigate all potentially responsible parties. For example, was the truck adequately repaired and maintained? Was there any manufacturing or design defect involved that impacted the truck’s safe operation? Was the driver properly trained and following state and federal laws regarding required downtime between long trips and other hours-of-service and safety requirements? Were proper trip logs kept? Was there any indication of alcohol or drug impairment? Was the truck properly loaded and not overweight? These and many other questions need to be asked and answered in such an investigation.

Finally, after thorough investigation and analysis, the personal injury lawyer can advise his or her clients of all potential legal remedies, such as a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit.

Keywords: New Haven, Connecticut, truck accident, traumatic brain injury, personal injury lawsuit, wrongful death, legal counsel, investigation

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