Connecticut residents who have been attacked by a dog will be dealing with many different short-term repercussions. These issues alone can be expensive, traumatic, and intense. But what about the long-term issues that can stem from dog bite attacks?
The National Institutes of Health have said that dog bites are a worldwide problem that can sometimes even be fatal, leaving a particularly large impact on vulnerable groups such as the elderly or children. Those who are most at risk for infection also include people whose immune systems are compromised in some way.
The longer-term effects of dog bite attacks can impact many different areas of a person’s life, from their financial situation to their physical health. Depending on the severity of the bite, numerous treatments can be needed, including reconstructive surgery. In some patients, permanent damage to nerves can cause pain that doesn’t go away. Physical therapy may be necessary. By taking time off of work, there’s also the possibility of having to add lost wages onto the stacking attack-related costs.
The Seattle Times also spoke about how dog bite victims often suffer long after an attack has already passed. In addition to the issues mentioned above, they also highlight the psychological trauma that can often impact an attack victim for years or even a lifetime after the incident occurs. This can reduce the overall quality of life or be costly if a victim chooses to address the issue in therapy.
Those who have been injured by dogs will continue to suffer after the initial bite wound has closed up again. This suffering can manifest in many ways, and the costliness of some is just one reason why many seek financial compensation.