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Legal Underage Drinking in Connecticut

Firm News,Social Host Liability On Friday, March 17, 2017

While many Connecticut parents may prefer that their teenagers do not drink until they are 21, the legal drinking age can be more flexible than people imagine. According to the Washington Post, underage drinking is allowed under certain conditions in almost 40 states.

Legal Underage Drinking in Connecticut

What Conditions Will Allow You to Legally Drink Underage in CT

The conditions for underage drinking can vary from state to state. In some places, minors are allowed to have alcohol in their possession under certain circumstances, and some states outline situations in which parents may give their children alcohol. Consuming alcohol at home with family is a common exception to underage drinking laws.

While parents may give their teenager alcohol at home, they may receive a citation if they give alcohol to minors in a public place. Additionally, exceptions can be made for culinary school students and religious services. These exceptions may seem confusing to some parents. However, a State Liquor Authority representative says that the primary concern about underage drinking is not the occasional drink at home but drinks obtained in public places such as restaurants and bars.

What You Need to Know About Drinking Legally Underage in Connecticut

Connecticut is one of these states which has drinking law exceptions. The Alcohol Policy Information System says that consuming alcohol is not forbidden to minors, and they may drink at home with their parents. Drivers 20-years-old and younger may also have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.02 at the most. While teenagers cannot purchase alcohol with a fake ID, they can purchase it for law enforcement. Additionally, there are exceptions for serving alcohol. Teenagers may serve alcohol at restaurants and bars when they are 18.

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