New Haven Nursing Home Injury Lawyer

Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. > New Haven Nursing Home Injury Lawyer

New Haven Nursing Home Injury Attorney

When you make the decision that a loved one needs nursing home care, you trust that the staff will take care of your family member. While there are many well-run, safe nursing homes throughout Connecticut, unfortunately, there are still instances of elder abuse and neglect taking place. If you are a victim, or you suspect an elder is being abused, contact our New Haven personal injury lawyers for a free consultation about your case. Call us at (203) 265-2035 or contact us online today.

Why Our Firm Can Help

  • We genuinely care about our clients and offer swift and dependable representation that can be tailored to your specific needs, goals, and objectives.
  • Only when a favorable result is achieved will we get paid.
  • We are available to serve clients throughout the state of Connecticut due to our convenient location.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect in New Haven

Any form of abuse is unjustifiable and cruel, but sadly, the following types commonly occur in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities:

Physical Abuse

Inflicting any type of physical harm, including slapping, pushing, hitting, kicking, restraining, or improperly medicating a resident.


When nursing homes do not provide food, water, clean clothing or bedding necessary for residents to live comfortably.

Emotional Abuse

This involves threatening, yelling, humiliating and name-calling.

Sexual Abuse

Forcing a sexual act on someone without permission.

Financial Abuse

Staff members may deceive or threaten an elder to gain their money and possessions.

Elder abuse is also referred to as a silent crime since the victims are often fearful, or unable to communicate their injuries. In serious cases, residents may suffer severe illness, injury, or possibly wrongful death.

Recognizing Elder Abuse

The following are indicators that a loved one may be suffering from nursing home abuse or neglect:

  • Bruises, black eyes, lacerations, and welts
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Bedsores
  • Cuts, open wounds, and wounds in various stages of healing
  • Burns
  • Poor skin condition
  • Sprains, dislocations, and internal injuries
  • Weight loss
  • Dehydration or malnourishment
  • Signs of restraint
  • Poor hygiene
  • Sudden change in behavior
  • Lab results indicating an overdose or deprivation of medication
  • Caregiver refusing to allow visitors to see the resident alone or at all
  • Signs of rape or sexual assault (pelvic injury, unexplained STD, torn or stained underwear, bruises in the genital region, bleeding, etc.)
  • Lack of supervision or care
  • Taking the wrong medications

It is often a legally actionable offense any time negligence by nursing home staff results in a patient acquiring a bedsore while at a facility. This is because most early-stage bedsores are preventable or easily treated.

How a New Haven Nursing Home Injury Lawyer Can Help

A knowledgeable lawyer will have an understanding of the numerous state and federal laws protecting nursing home and assisted-living patients, under which a claim can be filed for any violation. That includes Connecticut’s Nursing Home Bill of Rights, which mandates the standard of care. With the help of an attorney, you can determine how the law relates to your case or your loved ones, then pursue legal action for damages. Victims who file a medical malpractice lawsuit can recover costs of any emergency or long-term care related to the injuries, pain and suffering, mental anguish, possibly punitive damages and more.

Speak to a New Haven Medical Malpractice Lawyer Today

Contact local law enforcement immediately if you suspect an elder is in danger. Then reach out to Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. to obtain legal services from a New Haven attorney. We understand the sensitive issues surrounding a nursing home injury case and know how to get the results you need. Contact us online or call (203) 265-2035.

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