Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. > Blog > What injuries are most common in a dog attack?

What injuries are most common in a dog attack?

Dog Bites & Injuries,Firm News On Friday, March 16, 2018

When you are the victim of a dog attack, there are many different injuries that you might suffer from. Injuries can range from debilitating and painful to downright disabling, and can cost you a lot of time and money during the healing process.

FindLaw states that due to the injuries inflicted due to a dog attack, your costs could skyrocket quickly. Medical costs, pain and suffering damages, and lost wages are among the recoverable damages if you take the owner of the dog to court. Though it may seem like a difficult decision to make, you will be left shouldering the burden of these financial drains alone on top of your physical and mental injuries if action isn’t taken.

The severity of your injuries may also impact your decision. Injuries that are frequently seen in dog attacks include:

  • Infections
  • Lacerations
  • Disfigurement
  • Damage to tissue and nerves
  • Emotional trauma

Surface damage to the limbs and face can cause scarring and related emotional trauma, especially if you need to go through reconstructive surgery. If tissue damage is deep enough, infections can get below the skin and impact the subcutaneous layer. Serious infections may even grow in the muscle or fat and can potentially cause necrosis. Mobility can be impacted if your nerves or ligaments are damaged.

The more severe your damage is, the more you will likely benefit from having some of the financial pressure relieved. If you are considering suing for damages after a dog attack, consider speaking to a legal professional to decide what move to make next.

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