Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. > Blog > The dangers of fall driving are very real

The dangers of fall driving are very real

Firm News On Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Driving in Connecticut during the fall months provides the opportunity to take in the surrounding beauty. From the changing of the leaves to the wildlife, there’s always something to catch your attention.

Unfortunately, there are many dangers associated with fall driving, all of which can result in a serious accident.

Here are five dangers to protect against at all costs:

  • Increased pedestrian and vehicular traffic: With school in session, there are two times of the day when parents and school buses are on the road in full force. Furthermore, it’s critical to keep an eye out for students who may be crossing the street or walking on the shoulder of the road.
  • Rain: The fall months bring a lot of wet weather to the area, so you must adjust your driving style accordingly. For example, if the roads are slick from a recent rainstorm, slow down to avoid hydroplaning.
  • Leaves: The changing of the leaves is breathtaking, but once these make their way to the ground it can result in trouble. Leaves that are matted on the roadway can cause your tires to lose contact with the driving surface.
  • Sun glare: Summer may be in the past, but that doesn’t mean the sun is going away until next spring. Sun glare is a big problem throughout the fall months, so use your sun visor, wear polarized sunglasses and keep your windshield clean.
  • Wildlife: Deer, in particular, are active during the fall months. No matter where you’re driving, an animal could dart out in front of your vehicle, causing you to make a split second decision.

Even with this knowledge guiding you, another driver could ignore the change of seasons and cause an accident.

If this happens, your life can be turned upside down. For example, if you’re a parent to young children, your injuries may make it difficult to care for them. An accident can also take a toll on your finances.

As soon as your health allows, file an insurance claim, collect information pertaining to the accident and take steps to seek compensation from the negligent party. It’s important to protect your legal rights with the hope of minimizing the impact of the accident on your life.

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