
Connecticut woman dies while undergoing dental procedure

Firm News,Wrongful Death On Thursday, March 5, 2015

People in New Haven, and throughout Connecticut, put their trust in the health care professionals who provide them medical treatment and care. This includes medical doctors, as well as dentists. Negligence on the part of these providers can have serious …

Study: People may have increased stroke risk after brain injuries

Firm News On Thursday, February 26, 2015

Suffering traumatic brain injuries can be a serious medical occurrence for people in Connecticut, and throughout the U.S. In general, a penetrating injury, bump, jolt or blow to the head causes these types of injuries. This can occur due to …

Collision involving disabled vehicle in Wallingford injures 5

Firm News On Thursday, February 19, 2015

Occasionally, drivers may have issues with their vehicles while traveling on the roads of New Haven. Whether due to a flat tire, mechanical problem or any other number of reasons, motorists who experience situations such as this must often pull …

How to avoid drunk drivers on New Haven roads

Firm News On Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Despite the increased awareness, people in Connecticut, and throughout the U.S., continue to drive drunk. This can lead to motor vehicle accidents, which can result in serious injuries and death for the drunk drivers, as well as passengers and other …

How does homeowners’ insurance factor into dog bites?

Firm News On Wednesday, February 4, 2015

As seen in recent news, Connecticut lawmakers are reviewing a proposal that aims to prevent homeowners’ insurance companies from discriminating against the owners of certain breeds of dogs. That is because certain animals may pose a bigger threat of attacking …

Proposed Connecticut bill targets insurance policies, dog breeds

Dog Bites,Firm News On Saturday, January 31, 2015

When a dog attacks someone, the owner of the pet may have to cover the cost of any resulting medical treatment or trauma. A dog bite can be quite expensive, especially if there is a need for reconstructive surgery or …

What damages does a wrongful death lawsuit cover?

Firm News,Wrongful Death On Tuesday, January 20, 2015

If someone you love died because of someone else’s negligence, you may want to consider filing a claim. According to the United States Courts, civil cases regarding personal injury like wrongful death rose more than 10 percent between 2012 and …

Returning to work after a TBI

Brain Injury,Firm News On Tuesday, January 20, 2015

To most in New Haven, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one that either kills the brain injury victim or leaves him or her in a persistent vegetative state. Yet, according to the Report to Congress on Mild Traumatic Brain …

Escaped pit bull attacks woman and son, causes serious injuries

Dog Bites,Firm News On Monday, January 5, 2015

Even when pet owners in New Haven use great care, there are situations in which dogs may get free from their homes or yards. In many of these cases, the largest concern is finding the dog and getting them back …

Life after traumatic brain injuries in Connecticut

Brain Injury,Firm News On Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Traumatic brain injuries are a common neurological disease in New Haven, and throughout the United States. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 2.5 million brain injuries suffered in 2010, the most recent year for …

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