Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. > Blog > Norwich girl injured defending brother from pit bull attack

Norwich girl injured defending brother from pit bull attack

Dog Bites,Firm News On Thursday, September 4, 2014

Many in New Haven still hold to the old adage that dogs are man’s best friend. What’s often forgotten by the countless people throughout Connecticut who rely on their dogs for companionship is that despite the loving personalities that dogs often display, they are still animals capable of inflicting great harm on others. Those who doubt the severity of injuries that a dog bite may cause may simply be choosing to overlook many of the stories relayed regarding vicious dog attacks.

Once such attack occurred last fall in Norwich when three young children walking to a nearby park with their grandmother were attacked by a pair of pit bulls. A four-year old girl suffered 11 bites as well as broken bones after one of the dogs bit her arm. The results of the accident could have been much worse given that the girl was bitten trying to defend her 10-month old brother from the dogs. Even with the grandmother and another adult beating at the dogs to get them to release the girl, it took someone familiar with the dogs to call them off of the attack. 

The owner of the dogs recently pled guilty to several charges related to the attack. Yet the family of the injured girl hasn’t ruled out the possibility of pursuing further legal action on their own. Oftentimes, the compensation earned from such action is the only way that dog bite victims have to successfully deal with expenses associated with their injuries. Those requiring such compensation following a dog attack may find that earning it is easier when done with the assistance of a personal injury attorney.

Source: TheDay.com “Norwich pit bull bite case resolved with guilty plea, fine” Karen Florin, Aug. 12, 2014

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