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Motorcycle accidents in Connecticut

Car Accidents,Firm News On Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring has arrived and for Connecticut residents that love to ride motorcycles, that is exciting news. If you are dusting off your Harley or other bike in preparation for a fun season of riding, you should also be reminded of the risks that you face while on the road. Your lack of natural protection leaves you highly vulnerable in the event of an accident. The dangerous maneuvers of other drivers in cars, trucks, SUVs and other vehicles can result in serious situations for you or your loved ones?

Just how many people die in motorcycle accidents in Connecticut? Records from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration give us a good look into this. In the five years starting with 2010 and going through 2014, biker death counts were as follows:

  • In 2010, a total of 52 bikers were killed.
  • In 2011, there were 37 motorcyclist fatalities.
  • 48 people died in motorcycle accidents in 2012.
  • Another 57 motorcyclists died in 2013.
  • In 2014, there were 55 biker deaths in accidents.

These deaths happened all over the state. In every single one of those five years, there was only one county that experienced no biker deaths for only one year—Windham County in 2012. New Haven and Hartford Counties had the most number of deaths for that time period with 55 and 53, respectively. Fairfield, New London and Litchfield Counties followed with 32, 31 and 27 fatalities, respectively. Tolland and Windham Counties each lost 19 bikers while another 11 died in Middlesex County.

If you would like to learn more about motorcycle accidents, please feel free to visit the biker collision page on our Connecticut personal injury website.

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