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How Long Does it Take to Settle a Truck Accident Claim?

Truck Accidents On Monday, November 15, 2021

If you get injured in a truck accident in Connecticut, you may be impatient to collect a settlement that will reimburse your medical expenses, vehicle repairs and other losses. It is important, however, not to rush the settlement process or accept the very first offer given by an insurance company. This could put you at risk of accepting less than you deserve for your serious injuries. Find out how long the average truck accident settlement takes to know what to expect during your case.

The Point of Maximum Medical Improvement

First, you will need to wait until a doctor says that you have reached the point of maximum medical improvement (MMI) to accept a settlement from an insurance company. The point of MMI is the estimated date at which you will be as recovered from your injuries as you ever will be, with a reasonable degree of medical probability. This may mean a full recovery or as recovered as you can expect to be with a permanent disability, depending on your circumstances.

It is important to wait until you reach the point of maximum medical improvement so that you fully understand how much your injuries will cost in necessary medical care, as well as the total impact that they will have on your life. If you accept a settlement before your point of MMI, you risk settling for less money than you will need for ongoing medical treatments, including physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Liability Investigation

An investigation into the cause of your truck accident will be performed by the insurance company in charge of your case. The liability investigation could take a few days or several weeks, depending on the situation. If it takes a long time to subpoena records and documents from a trucking company, for example, this could delay the investigation. Other delays during this part of an insurance claim could come from liability disputes between two or more parties.

Settlement Negotiations

If an insurance company accepts your truck accident claim, it will offer a settlement in an attempt to resolve the matter and close your case. Note, however, that most initial settlement offers made by insurance companies devalue the claimant’s injuries and losses. This is because the main goal of an insurance company is to protect its profits by cutting costs on claim payouts. This is why it is critical to negotiate back and forth with an insurance company and reach a fair value before settling. How long negotiations take will depend on the facts of your case, as well as the willingness of the insurance claims adjuster to increase the company’s offer.

An Injury or Wrongful Death Trial

Although most truck accident cases in Connecticut settle, a claim may have to go to trial if an insurance company is refusing to offer fair and full financial compensation for your injuries and related expenses. If the insurance company rejects your claim, this may also lead to a personal injury or wrongful death trial. If your case goes to trial, this will add time to your settlement or jury verdict. Depending on how busy the courthouse in your county is, a truck accident trial could take a year or longer to be completed.

Hire a Truck Accident Attorney for an Efficient Claims Process

Issues such as catastrophic injuries, long recovery times, a liability dispute, more than one defendant or an insurance company that is not willing to offer a reasonable settlement could all add length to your truck accident settlement timeline. Hiring an experienced truck accident lawyer, on the other hand, can help you achieve the most efficient legal process possible while still protecting your rights. Your lawyer can handle complicated claims paperwork for you, for example, and help you avoid common mistakes that could add time to your settlement. Consult with a lawyer at Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. today for assistance with a truck accident case.

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