Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. > Blog > Drunk driver sentenced to 7 years in prison after fatal accident

Drunk driver sentenced to 7 years in prison after fatal accident

Firm News On Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Despite numerous public campaigns aimed at reducing the number of drunk drivers on New Haven streets, there continue to be those that choose to drink and drive. As a result, car accidents happen. The people who drive intoxicated do so at the risk of not only their own personal safety, but the safety of their passengers and everyone else with whom they share the road. These drivers need to be held accountable for their actions in order to reduce the likelihood of it happening again.

One man that chose to drink and drive is now facing the consequences of his actions in the form of a prison sentence. The man was convicted of drunk driving and recently sentenced to seven years behind bars in state prison. He pled guilty to vehicular homicide.

The 51-year-old man was intoxicated while attempting to navigate a curve along a roadway in January 2012. He lost control of his vehicle and crashed into some trees after his car went over a curb.

The man sustained injuries that were serious, but has recovered. Two passengers inside the car were killed in the accident; two others were injured as a result of the man’s careless actions.

The families of those killed in the accident and those who were injured may wish to seek out the advice of a lawyer. An attorney can talk to them and help them determine if they have a case against the driver. Doing so may enable them to receive compensation for medical expenses, funeral costs and pain and suffering.

Source: CT Post, “NJ man sentenced in fatal drunk driving crash,” July 20, 2013

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