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Dog breeds: the data and the dangers

Dog Bites,Firm News On Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Dogs are considered family members in a plethora of Connecticut households. After all, these furry friends can provide strong bonds and even protection. As loving as these creatures may be, it is impossible to predict the actions of a dog. When a person’s pet turns on another human or animal, a legal situation could ensue. The following information provides a scope into the most dangerous dog breeds, as well as ways to avoid a potentially dangerous attack. 

According to Forbes, the following dog breeds pose the highest threats to people and other animals:

  • Pit Bull
  • Rottweiler
  • Husky
  • German Shepherd
  • Bullmastiff

Following these top most dangerous breeds were the Wolf Hybrid, Chow Chow, Boxer, Doberman and Akita. Perhaps most infamous on this list, Pit Bulls come from a long history of fighting, tracing back to the early 1800s in Britain. Because of this violent nature, many consider the breed to be inevitably hazardous. 

Knowing the most dangerous dog breeds can prove beneficial, but what steps can one take to avoid a dog attack? Dog enthusiast resource Canine Journal shares that the right information about dogs and their temperaments can prevent a dog bite. First and foremost, Canine Journal discourages readers from approaching an unfamiliar animal. By the same token, those who accidentally stumble upon a potentially dangerous dog should not panic or make startling noises, as this can only perpetuate the animal’s violent behavior. Avoiding eye contact can also minimize the chances of an attack. And although stray dogs may be difficult to pinpoint, Canine Journal stresses the importance of reporting roaming animals. Knowing the facts about dangerous breeds — and their potentially uncertain behavior — can create a safer environment for dogs and humans alike.       





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