Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. > Blog > Dental procedure leaves 3-year-old unresponsive

Dental procedure leaves 3-year-old unresponsive

Brain Injury,Firm News On Wednesday, January 22, 2014

When people in Connecticut turn to medical and dental professionals, they trust them to ensure their safety. Unfortunately, in some cases, the medical caregiver fails to follow certain safety procedures, and their patients are harmed as a result and may even suffer a severe brain injury. In these circumstances, the victim or the victim’s family members may choose to hold these professionals responsible for the damage that they caused.

When the parents of a 3-year-old girl brought their daughter to see a dentist for the first time, they found out that despite her young age, she needed 10 cavity fillings and four root canals. It is unknown whether the parents questioned the dentist’s recommendations before they scheduled a second appointment so that the dentist could perform the procedures.

During the second appointment, the dentist allegedly used several substances aimed at reducing the girl’s pain. However, they were likely too potent for the young girl; since her visit, the girl has been unresponsive, and she may not survive the incident. During these types of procedures, staff members are responsible for checking every five minutes to make sure that the patient is coping with the sedation. According to the dentist’s records, staff members checked the girl’s vital signs three times during the procedures, but it is likely that the appointment lasted longer than 15 minutes. The parents are suing the dentist for her negligence.

Even if the girl survives this incident, she may have a permanent disability that will require long-term care. Fortunately, the family members of victims of negligence may be entitled to compensation that will enable them to cover the costs of rehabilitation and other medical expenses. People who find themselves in this situation may want to seek the help of a New Haven medical malpractice attorney.

Source: CT Post, “Lawsuit against Kailua dentist alleges negligence,” Jan. 3, 2014

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