Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. > Blog > Connecticut woman to serve 7-year prison sentence for killing Clinton man in drunk driving accident

Connecticut woman to serve 7-year prison sentence for killing Clinton man in drunk driving accident

Firm News On Saturday, April 12, 2014

For many people, what makes fatal drunk driving accidents so devastating is that they are preventable. When people in Connecticut choose to drive under the influence of alcohol, they put themselves and others at great risk. Fortunately, some people who are convicted of drunk driving devote the rest of their lives to educating and preventing others from making the same mistakes they did.

After a Connecticut woman drank heavily at a local bar, she got behind the wheel of her Ford Escort and crashed into a pair of motorcycles on the highway. A Clinton man, who was the father of three children, was killed; the man’s fiancée and two other people suffered injuries.

The woman’s blood alcohol level was about three times the legal limit. She was convicted of vehicular manslaughter and will serve a seven-year prison sentence. In addition, she was forced to cover the victim’s funeral expenses. After she is released from prison, she will be required to educate the public on the dangers of drunk driving. During her time in prison, the woman will be not be able to raise her two young daughters.

The victim’s family has also filed a civil lawsuit, and it is possible that they will receive more compensation for their loss. The victim’s mother is now raising his three children, and his fiancée lost both her home and her business as a result of the accident.

Accidents caused by a drunk driver come with long-term effects for everyone involved, even the driver who caused it. The victims of drunk driving accidents and their family members may want to talk to an attorney as soon as possible.

Source: The Day, “Cost of drunk driving aired at manslaughter sentencing,” Karen Florin, April 3, 2014

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