Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. > Blog > 2-year-old attacked by pit bull at home of family friend

2-year-old attacked by pit bull at home of family friend

Firm News On Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dog owners in New Haven, and elsewhere, are responsible for properly training and socializing their pets. This is not only to protect the public in the event the dogs get loose, but also to ensure the safety of the owners themselves and anyone who they bring into their homes.

A two-year-old girl in Pennsylvania reportedly had to be hospitalized after she was attacked by a pit bull at a home where she and her parents were staying with friends. According to reports, the dog, which was owned by the friends, bit the child when she climbed up onto its back. The pet owner had to force the animal’s mouth open in order to get it to release the girl. In order to repair the damage from the dog bite injuries she suffered, the little girl will reportedly have to undergo extensive surgery. It was not reported, however, whether or not the injuries she sustained will have any permanent effects.

Although the girl’s parents are friends with the owners of the dog that bit her, they could choose to file a civil lawsuit against them. The cost of the medical treatment the two-year-old has already received, in addition to any future treatment that she may need, can add up quickly. A liability lawsuit of this type would likely seek financial compensation for those undue medical expenses, as well as for pain and suffering caused to the toddler by the trauma of the dog attack.

It may be of benefit for the parents of the girl who was attacked, and anyone who has been the victim of a dog bite injury, to consult with an attorney to discuss taking legal action. A lawyer can explain their options and advise them how best to proceed in their particular situations.

Source: CBS Pittsburgh, “Armstrong Co. Toddler Hospitalized After Pit Bull Attack”, Trina Orlando, Oct. 14, 2013

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