Traumatic brain injuries and their long-term effects

Brain Injury,Firm News On Friday, September 12, 2014

Even what may seem to be a minor knock to the head can result in a traumatic brain injury. These types of serious injury, which can result in long-term effects or death, are very common in Connecticut, and throughout the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least four people sustain a traumatic brain injury each minute in the U.S. Traumatic brain injuries, as described by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, are those that occur as the result of people bumping their heads, suffering blows to their heads, experiencing jolts to their heads or sustaining injuries that penetrate their heads.

Although traumatic brain injuries, including concussions, have long been considered by many to be a primarily sports-related issue, these types of injuries are also commonly sustained in varying types of everyday accidents and incidents. This includes slips, falls, auto collisions and assaults. In some cases, these types of brain injury-causing accidents are brought about by the negligence or wrongdoing of another person or group.

In many cases, the immediate symptoms that are often associated with brain injuries, including nausea, headaches and dizziness, will subside with time, which allows people to gradually return to their regular lives and activities, including work. According to NINDS, however, there can be lasting effects in some cases, particularly in those that involve more severe injuries, which may require long-term care. As a result of suffering a traumatic brain injury, people may develop issues with their cognitive processes, have personality or behavioral changes, or develop communication or language issues. Furthermore, people who have sustained these types of injuries can develop other medical issues, such as post-traumatic dementia, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Depending on the severity of the effects, some brain injury victims are left with permanent disabilities, which can present a number of challenges for them and their families. People who have suffered these types of injuries can require ongoing medical care, as well as extensive therapy. In some cases, people may also be prevented from working, which can result in lost wages. Combined with the undue expenses, this can put a serious financial strain on victims and their families.

In order to ensure that they receive the compensation they could be entitled to, people who suffer brain injuries as the result of another’s actions may find it of benefit to consult with a legal professional. 

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