Meriden Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. > Meriden Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Meriden Sexual Abuse Attorney

Sexual abuse is a crime that can leave severe emotional and psychological scars on survivors. The damage inflicted on a child is especially severe, resulting in depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and substance use disorders later in life.

For many years, the Meriden personal injury lawyers at Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. have helped people in Meriden, Connecticut achieve justice and compensation from those who have caused them harm. Find out how we can help you with a sexual abuse case today.

Why Hire a Sexual Abuse Lawyer?

We know it’s extremely difficult to talk about your sexual abuse experience. Keeping it inside, however, won’t help anyone – including yourself. When you’re ready to come forward, speak to an attorney in confidence. You can trust a sexual abuse lawyer to know exactly what to do to protect you and demand justice on your behalf.

A lawyer can handle the legal side of your case while keeping your identity anonymous, if desired. Your lawyer will fight for maximum financial compensation while you focus on mental and emotional healing. Although money won’t take back the crimes committed against you, it can hold the perpetrator accountable and potentially protect other victims from enduring the same fate.

What Is Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse describes any sexual acts or behaviors with a person by use of force, deceit or coercion. It can refer to the crimes of child sexual abuse, molestation, fondling or unwanted touching, child pornography, indecent exposure and rape. At Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C., we represent clients with many different types of sexual abuse cases.

  • Clergy sexual abuse
  • School and camp sexual abuse
  • Sports sexual abuse
  • Boys and Girls Clubs of America sexual abuse
  • Medical professional sexual abuse
  • Prison sexual abuse
  • Familial sexual abuse
  • Work sexual abuse

In many cases, vulnerable children are victimized by those close to them or those in positions of power, such as teachers and doctors. Our lawyers are passionate about bringing sexual predators to justice. We can go up against any individual or institution on your behalf to demand accountability for their crimes.

Damages Available

It is up to a prosecutor to bring criminal sexual abuse charges against an assailant. It is up to you as the survivor, however, to bring a civil claim. A criminal case can penalize the perpetrator for his or her crimes, while a civil case can make you whole again by forcing the perpetrator to pay you financial compensation. You could recover compensation for many different damages.

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Counseling or psychological therapy
  • Prescriptions, such as antidepressants
  • Lost income from missed work
  • Diminished quality or enjoyment of life
  • Out-of-pocket costs, such as travel and attorney’s fees

At Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C., we know money isn’t everything – especially in the face of a devastating crime like sexual abuse. Yet we also know how empowering it can be for survivors to go up against sexual predators and win. Telling your story and holding your abuser publicly accountable is the justice you deserve.

Statute of Limitations in Connecticut

The statute of limitations in Connecticut is friendly toward child sexual abuse survivors. While a general personal injury claim in Connecticut must be brought within two years of a minor’s 18th birthday, a child sexual abuse survivor has until his or her 48th birthday to come forward with a lawsuit (30 years after the minor comes of age). If you were over the age of 18 when someone sexually abused you, however, you only have two years to file a civil lawsuit.

Contact Us – We Offer Private, Respectful and Aggressive Legal Representation

Act quickly if you believe you have grounds for a sexual abuse case in Connecticut. The attorneys at Loughlin FitzGerald, P.C. can help you tell your story while protecting your rights and interests. We are experienced and professional sexual abuse attorneys in Meriden who offer free, 100% confidential consultations. Contact us as soon as possible to request yours.


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