Family claims hitting drills caused football player’s death

Firm News,Wrongful Death On Friday, September 6, 2013

Readers in New Haven and elsewhere are likely aware of the dangers and potential for injury which physical sports, such as football, have. That being said, it is the responsibility of coaches and other sporting team staff to ensure that players are not put in unnecessary danger that could lead to serious injuries or even death.

According to reports, a player who died after a football practice at Frostburg State University in Maryland was, along with teammates, involved in drills that required repeated head-to-head contact in as many as four practices leading up to his death. The college athlete apparently died after sustaining two concussions. Teammates described the practices leading up to the player’s death as intense and full of hard-hitting drills. On the day of his death, the player reportedly collapsed after walking off the field. He died six days later, after slipping into a coma.

The young man’s parents have reportedly filed a wrongful death lawsuit against members of the football staff, the NCAA and Schutt Sports, the company that made the helmet their son was wearing. The player’s family claims that the staff neglected to check his condition to determine if he had suffered a head injury, despite his having a wound on his forehead that was bleeding and reporting that he had a headache and did not feel himself to an assistant coach. They also claim no staff checked to make sure the young man’s helmet was on and fitted correctly.

Accidents happen, but when an accident occurs because of a person’s negligence, there may be grounds for legal action. If you have lost a loved one due to a fatal accident, it may be helpful to consult with an attorney. A lawyer can help you to determine how best to proceed in your specific situation.

Source: Connecticut Post, “Md. family sues over Frostburg St. football death”, Maryclaire Dale, August 26, 2013

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