As Halloween draws closer, many Connecticut residents pay more attention to costumes and trick-or-treating routes than to road safety. However, Halloween provides more opportunities for drivers to be involved in a collision, and it is important for people to know …
Drivers on the Connecticut roadways have to be aware of a variety of concerns and paying special attention to nearby motorcyclists is one of them. According to the Hartford Courant, the federal government ended a requirement that motorcyclists wear helmets …
When the school year starts, you may encounter more pedestrians and bikers, as well as school buses. It is important for you to be aware of this extra traffic so you can drive safely on Connecticut’s roads.
You may think that fixed object collisions only occur in the winter after a driver hits a patch of ice. However, these incidents can occur year-round on Connecticut’s roads and highways. Statistics from 2015 explain some of the factors involved …
Despite the holiday falling on a Tuesday, people across Connecticut will be hitting the roads to celebrate with family and friends. This means increased traffic and more risks for getting in an accident.
According to the Hartford Courant, experts estimate …