After getting bitten by a dog in Connecticut, some people may want to forget the incident as quickly as possible. If the incident was particularly traumatic, though, it can be hard for people to move on, and sometimes people might …
When you host your friends for a backyard BBQ in Connecticut, you may only think about the fun you will have. However, if you serve alcohol, it is important to make sure your guests do not drive drunk. At Loughlin …
Connecticut property owners have an obligation to keep you and the rest of the citizens of the state safe from preventable injuries. However, what constitutes dangerous property conditions or poor maintenance might be subject to some discussion.
With warmer weather comes the pull of the great outdoors. Thousands of people across the state of Connecticut spend their spring and summer weekends hiking, camping, biking, and even boating. Enjoying those activities usually means driving to a cabin or …
With the change in weather, many people in Connecticut and across the country will be dusting off their bicycles and getting ready to ride. Bicycling can be a fun and healthy activity, but cyclists also need to understand their risks …